Cavitation uses low-frequency radiation waves to create compression and expansion that pressure the fat cells underneath the skin. This process heats and vibrates the fat cells. The fat cells bursts under the pressure and the small particles that are left will make it’s way through the lymphatic system, to the liver until the body passes it through urination.
This is a non-invasive procedure that is completely pain free and result driven. Your appointment will be 30 minutes long, during which you will lie down while your therapist moves the cavitation handle across your tageted area to remove burst the fat cells.
In Preparation for your appointment:
Avoid caffeinated drinks for 24h before your appointment and make sure that you are hydrated by drinking your daily requirement of water (approximately 1-2l, depending on your weight, activity level and age).
Post appointment:
Also keep hydrated in order for your lymphatic system to function properly and allow your bladder to release the fat cells with ease.
There will be no downtime after your appointment and you can get back to your daily duties immediately after getting up.
You may experience slight nausea but the symptom shouldn’t last long and will pass soon after you’ve started to experience this.